March 24, 2010

Brady's New Bib

We tried out a new bib with Brady the other day.  It is the same size as the one Corvin wears and is almost bigger than Brady!  It protects all of his clothes though which is perfect!  Melissa P. got us hooked on these bibs with Corvin and they are great.  He is doing so well with eating cereal and we have started on veggies and fruits.  This picture was the other day at dinner time.  Thanks Nana K for the bib.


  1. Too cute!! It is almost bigger than Brady!! Looks like he is enjoying it though!! Bumkin bibs are the best!! We love them and have used them for both boys!! I love how they can go in the washer and Alex's still are in good shape for Carter to use!!

  2. This is adorable! I bet it would look even bigger on Sage! We have the same cute bib, but it is pink.
