February 15, 2011

Vacation & Happy Birthday Nana D

We were lucky to get out of the snow for awhile and head to Florida on vacation with Tyler’s family to celebrate Kathy's special birthday.   Ashley, Scott, Ron, Kathy and our family were all there for parts of the week. It was great to see everyone.

We had a great time in Orlando and went to the Magic Kingdom at Disney World.  A first for both me and the boys!  I will take you through our trip for awhile on the blog.

Our trip started off as an adventure!  We made it to the airport ticket counter to check our bags with four minutes to spare!  The ticket counter was closing in four minutes and we had to check a bag and the boys car seats. We thought we had left the house on time and would have no problem getting to the airport.  No such luck.  There were two bad accidents on the interstate and we had to turn around and detour both times.  We are soooooo lucky to have made our flight.  Here are a few pictures of the boys on their first flight ever!

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