June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day - One Day Late

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!  Especially to my Dad and Tyler who is the best dad to our boys!  Thank you for all you do!

June 15, 2011

How Many Bugs In A Box

The boys LOVE this book.  This was from Mary R (thank you!) and gets read all the time!

June 14, 2011

Cookie Time

Since it was party time it also meant cookie time!  CJ had a blast helping Nana make cookies and of course Brady wanted in on the fun too!

June 12, 2011

Favorite Kiddo's

Some fave pictures from the party day.  LOVE these kiddo's!

Party Details!

My Mom did so much for CJ's party.  The awesome birthday banner, sugar cookie cut-outs, the goody bags for the kiddo's and overall tons of help!  Thank you for making it such a fun and nice party!! Below are a few pictures with the party details.  It was a fun day!

 All set up and ready to go!

Goody bags for the kiddo's.

The awesome Cars birthday banner!

 Close-up of Lightning McQueen!  Many hours of love went into this banner for CJ!

Welcome to the Davis Speedway - this was on our front door.

The sugar cookies that are so yummy!